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​Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan​


Dolby Soo Bahk Do Karate is a nationally certified studio with the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Federation.

Call us at 562-274-5811 or 


  The curriculum at Dolby Karate includes classes for all ages in the traditional Korean Martial Art of Soo Bahk Do. We offer a

safe, fun but challenging atmosphere geared toward teaching our students how to react responsibly in many confrontational

                                                                           situations , physical or otherwise.


   Whether you are an experienced martial artists looking to further your knowledge or just starting out, we have a program to fit any lifestyle. Our instructions are for the young and old, families, couples, kids, teenagers, and single adults. The programs are compentecy based so feel confident that you are learning and experiencing everything.

As the times change, so will our programs of fitness instruction to meet the demands of our community. From traditional Soo Bahk Do karate to special awareness demonstrations/seminars, we will constantly be looking at ways to expand our programs.


  Times change and so do our lifestyles. With that in mind, our classes are designed for those with busy schedules and high demands.We offer afternoon and late evening classes.

Training in Soo Bahk Do is the scientific use of the body in methods of self defense, combined with a strict philosophy guiding the practitioner towards discovering their full potential.


  Our program for the kids is an adventure in learning and physical agility. They will learn about the history of the traditional Korean Karate and master the punches, kicks, blocks and forms that make Soo Bahk Do special. In addition to being instructed in Soo Bahk Do, they are taught the special food groups for healthy eating, your  muscles and bones, importance of word power and a good educational balance.

We incorporate fun & challenging physical and learning activities to help with coordination and mental aptitude. This program is for the young child getting ready for kindegarten yet challenging and rewarding for the young teens.

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